Harvest can be hectic and stressful; especially when things are delayed and we find ourselves racing daylight and rain clouds. Harvest time is the peak season for agriculture-related injuries and fatalities. Please take time to follow safety procedures.

Tractors/wagons, etc.: Make sure you have proper lights and reflectors on all equipment. Ensure windows are clean and machinery is free of fire-causing debris.

Combines: Debris can cause fires.  Be sure to have the proper safety equipment, such as fire extinguishers handy. Beware of entanglement hazards around belts/drives and chains. 

Grain Dryers: High moisture corn can lead to increased risks with grain dryers. More fines, red dog and dirt can cause a greater risk of dryer fires; dryers will need to be cleaned out more frequently.  In addition, ladders and roofs are slippery – take your time climbing up and down them.

Fatigue and rushing can lead to slips and falls. Please take the time to assess the situations you find yourself in this fall and stay safe. 

Laura Johnston, CCA-ON, Maizex Seeds Yield Specialist, West Elgin County
Twitter: @lmjohnston8