Agronomy Centre

Winter Agronomy Meetings

We will once again be presenting our popular in-person agronomy meetings this January and February. This speaker series is being spearheaded by Maizex Market Development Agronomists Henry Prinzen and Adam Parker, and the meetings are organized to provide Ontario farmers with a day of access to agronomy experts at no cost to them. To register…

Hometown Roots Contest Winners

Two Rural Communities Receive Funding Support as Maizex Seeds’ and Lallemand’s “Hometown Roots” Contest Winners Announced (Tilbury, ON, October 21, 2024) Three rural community groups are set to receive financial support, as Maizex Seeds and Lallemand Plant Care today announced the winners of the Hometown Roots Family Contest in Ontario. Two Ontario farmers won the…

Maizex Seeds Partners with Clark Agri Service

Maizex Seeds has announced that they are partnering with Clark Agri Service to help service grower needs in parts of Haldimand-Norfolk, Niagara, Hamilton-Wentworth, and Brant counties. As part of the agreement, Maizex will be supplying key soybean varieties and corn hybrids to Clark Agri Service. The agreement between the two companies is based on a…

The 2024 Great ON Yield Tour

Maizex is proud to be a founding partner in the Great ON Yield Tour. Beginning on August 12, 2024, this will be our 9th outing across Ontario’s countryside, scouting hundreds of fields over two weeks to help farmers better understand where their crops are at as well as the province as a whole. Two events…