Agronomy Centre

Corn Emergence in a Cool Spring

Some very cold planting season temperatures have growers anxiously awaiting corn emergence. Generally speaking, it takes 150 to 180 crop heat units (CHUs) to get corn from planting to emergence. Soil texture and moisture content, residue cover, sunshine intensity, and planting depth can all impact how quickly the CHUs (measured with air temperatures) can translate…

SeedRight Recommendations

Mother Nature rarely produces the exact same seed size year in and year out in a seed-corn crop. This reality, combined with the investments being made today in precision-planting systems, underscores the need to fine-tune planters to deliver the best singulation and uniformity possible. This is why our research and agronomy departments launched the Maizex…

Planting Early? Be Aware!

The meeting circuit this past winter has provided some thoughts on things to try for this coming year.  One topic that has repeated itself over the past few years is the advantage to planting early and pushing the planting window as early as possible.  The biggest advantage discussed is always yield, however less frequently mentioned…

Gaining that EXTRA bushel! – Winter Management

As I sit in my office;  looking out the window at the thermometer reading negative 15°C, the sun is shining on me with its intense heat.  Days are getting longer, and spring is around the corner.  Now is the time we should be increasing our monitoring of stored grain.  Specialist suggest routinely monitoring our stored…