Agronomy Centre

Who likes fines? Equipment setup can help.

Who likes fines?  Harvesting corn over 28%, if not done properly, can lead to costly levels of fines!  Early harvest samples are suggesting that we have not completely black layered.  With the current weather and calendar date, this process will be slow.  However, corn has been harvested in Lambton County and it has been shipped…

Be Aware … Don’t let NCLB end your season early!

As corn began to tassel in the beginning of August, many fields contained Northern Corn Leaf Blight (NCLB) lesions. As of today, most fields are showing minimal signs of progression; however, heavy dews, high humidity and moderate temperatures are ideal for disease progression. In worst cases, the entire leaf will become blighted.  Early infections with…

Is Your Corn Competing?

Weed management in several areas of the province has been challenging.  Weather has prevented herbicides from being applied and from being activated. Early weed control remains critical for maximum yield, despite the weather. Dr. Swanton at the University of Guelph has shown that corn plants have the ability to “see” weeds. To compete with weed…