Tag: Disease Control
Early Season Corn Uniformity and its effect on Yield, WBC and DON
Early season corn crop uniformity can have long lasting effects. Each year we are struck with new challenges and often these challenges are amplified by what happened during planting. Yield, Western Bean Cutworm and vomitoxin are three major concerns that are affected by early season corn uniformity. Yield Loss Yield loss from stand uniformity has…
Maximizing Corn Yield with your Management Toolbox

June 20, 2018 Leigh Hudson CCA-ON, Twitter- @lhudson89 Planting 2018 has wrapped up and we are on to the next step of maximizing corn yields. The majority of us know what it takes to produce a corn crop. Seed, fertilizer, weed control, equipment to do the job, water, heat and a hope that mother nature…
Goss’s Wilt – What should you know…
Throughout most of the midwestern US corn belt, a disease called Goss’s Wilt can be found reducing corn yields by much as 30%. In recent years, Goss’s Wilt has been found as far east as western Michigan and has been moving east. The behaviour and management of Goss’s Wilt is much different to how growers…
Northern Corn Leaf Blight

Many fields this past season showed signs of Northern Corn Leaf Blight (NCLB). The lesions of NCLB appear as long elliptical (2-15 cm) grayish-green or tan streaks, usually found on the lower leaves first. As the disease progresses, the lesions will usually merge together forming large blighted regions. In worst cases, the entire leaf will…