MZ 1340DBR

Prodcut Information


  • Increased starch quantity
  • Early flowering allows movement north
  • Dependable tonnage

Agronomy Notes

Ultra early flowering hybrid with exceptional grain quality and test weight.  Industry-leading early season vigour adapted for short seasons.  Plants are shorter in stature with a long narrow ear. Husk cover is adequate. Ears are held on a long shank which hangs at harvest. Open husks at maturity aid rapid grain drydown. Above-average test weight.  Responds to increased population. Adapted in and north of its maturity zone.

CHU: 1975 RM: 71 RIB Download Product PDF

Product Characteristics

Characteristic Value
Final Population34-36
CHU 50% Silk1250
Plant Height
Size 1Size 2Size 3Size 4Size 5Size 6
Very Poor (1)
Excellent (9)
Early Vigour9/9
Plant Health8/9
Starch Amount9/9
Starch Availability8/9
Plant Disease Rating7/9

Ear Characteristics

Characteristic Value
Kernel TextureMedium

Disease Ratings

Disease ratings are based on the severity of infection.

Very Poor (1)
Excellent (9)

Traits and Technology

Corn hybrids with the VT Double PRO® trait feature dual modes of action for above ground insects, such as Corn Earworm and European Corn Borer. The 5% non-Bt refuge corn is blended in every bag. Just fill the planter and go for convenient refuge compliance. Roundup Ready® Corn 2 Technology System tolerant. Hybrids with the VT Double PRO® trait should be the number one choice for rotated acres.

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