Maizex Seeds was started with a vision – to supply farmers with high-yielding genetics from a Canadian, farmer-owned company. Today, as a joint venture seed company with Sollio Agriculture, Maizex Seeds is a Canada-focused and farmer-owned business striving to meet the needs of Canadian farmers from coast to coast with high-performance seed corn hybrids and soybean varieties. In 2024, we expanded our product line to include exclusive forage and cereal seed.
What makes us different is not only our focus on True Performance in genetic yield and agronomic traits, but our emphasis on local agronomy research to help better position our products field by field on your farm. This in turn helps support the management decisions you make to meet your yield and profitability goals. We are passionate about what we do, from innovation in seed production to serving our customers with your end goals in performance always top of mind.
Maizex Seeds is a Canadian farmer-owned and Canada-focused hybrid corn and soybean seed company.
Our History
Maizex is unique as a joint venture company as our heritage and passion for serving our customers is rooted through two dynamic Canadian businesses.
Maizex Seeds Inc. was founded by Jeannette’s Creek area farmers Dave and Brenda Baute. The company was incorporated in 1985, initially producing hybrid seed corn for export into the U.S. for sale through American seed companies. In 1989, the company turned its focus to developing and testing hybrids for Canadian farmers. It was also involved in the production and sale of specialty hybrids for production of food-grade corn for domestic food processors.
Our Team
The Maizex Seeds team across the board has a passion and dedication to Canadian agriculture and the seed industry. Our focus on meeting the needs of Canadian farmers crosses all areas of the business from research and development to production, agronomy, sales, customer support and administration.
In agronomy support and sales, our team combines practical knowledge and research to better position products for your farm. We spend significant time on product and agronomy training every year as we recognize the importance of product positioning in your farming success. Talk to your local Maizex seed representative about the products and research that can make a difference on your farm.
Be Rooted. Be Involved.
The Importance of Agriculture to Everyday Life
Farmers have an unbelievable story to tell about how we are producing the most nutritious, safest, and lowest cost food supply in the history of mankind. Our success on the farm has allowed our entire population to have a longer average lifespan with the highest standard of living on the planet. Access to a safe and healthy food supply is the top reason why we are living longer today.
Sharing our experience as farmers is critical. Today, people are asking questions not only about our food safety but also food security, which is understandable. It is important for us to communicate what we do, and why, on the farm and how it allows us to provide nutrition to our society, even through difficult times.

For Our Farmers
We are a customer-centric business shaping our product line and services to meet the needs of our customers across the country into the future. We can only be successful if our customers are successful. To that end, our efforts include our investment in:
- Genetics
- Agronomy Research
- Processing Innovation
- Customer Services
Our Commitment to Quality
We start with the best genetics and finish with a seed that offers maximum health and vigour to ensure a uniform crop.
From our field to yours, our proprietary Premier Processing Assurance Program ensures quality in every bag.