Maizex Seed Guide 2025

Management Disease Ratings Agronomic Ratings Positioning Response to Intensive Management Kernel Mass vs. Kernel Number Final Seeding Population Seedling Vigour Plant Height # Kernel Rows Stalk Strength Plant Health Grain Drydown Test Weight NCLB ANTH Goss’s Wilt • Responds to increased population • Ideal for dual-purpose option 4 M 32-34 9 M 12-14 8 8 9 9 8 7 5 • Above-average response to increased population • Excellent stability across environments 6 N 32-34 9 S-M 14-16 8 8 9 8 8 9 5 • Above-average response to increased population • Above-average response to intensive management • Position for timely harvest 7 M 34-36 9 S-M 12-14 7 8 8 9 6 7 5 • Above-average response to increased population • Predicted average response to intensive management package 6 M 34-36 8 M 16-18 8 8 9 9 8 6 5 • Below-average response to intensive management • Excellent stability across environments UR M 32-34 8 S-M 14-16 9 9 8 8 8 7 7 Learn more about our innovative characterization of hybrids by kernel mass and kernel number. Kernel number vs. kernel mass: N = A kernel number hybrid, where yield is driven more by the number of kernels; M = A kernel mass hybrid, where yield is driven more by the mass of each kernel; N/M = A hybrid that is slightly above-average in terms of yield being driven by both kernel number and kernel mass. Final seeding population: Population in 000s ppa that is the ideal target for this hybrid. Where conditions are less favourable, move to the lower range of the population recommendations. Plant height: S = Short; M = Medium; T = Tall Disease ratings: NCLB = Refers to Northern Corn Leaf Blight ; ANTH = Refers to Anthracnose