Hybrid CHU RM CHU to 50% Silk Silking RM Characteristics Companions RIB MZ 1200DBR 2050 72 1277 73 • Early flowering promotes movement north of zone • Excellent seedling vigour for early stand establishment • Strong test weight and grain quality MZ 1231DBR MZ 1340DBR RIB NEW MZ 1231DBR 2050 72 1280 73 • Elevated yield performance • Excellent fall intactness promotes efficient harvest • Strong green-snap and root-lodging tolerance MZ 1200DBR MZ 1340DBR RIB MZ 1340DBR 2150 73 1250 73 • Ultra-early flowering • Excellent grain quality and test weight • Open husk aids grain drydown MZ 1397DBR MZ 1544DBR RIB NEW MZ 1397DBR 2150 73 1270 74 • Sets grain early for risk management • Excellent fall intactness promotes efficient harvest • Strong green-snap and root-lodging tolerance MZ 1544DBR MZ 1688DBR CONV MZ 154 2250 75 1301 75 • Rapid grain drydown • Strong stalks facilitate harvest ease • Strong disease package 14 GRAIN Corn Legend Numerical ratings (1 – 9): 1 = Very poor; 9 = Excellent; UR = Unrated RIB or E-Z Refuge = Hybrids that contain 5% non-traited seed corn in the bag. Response to intensive management: “Intensive management” denotes additional plant population (i.e. +5,000 ppa), nitrogen (i.e. +50 lbs N/acre), and with fungicide applications at VT (tassel stage). In trials this was generally compared to a standard management package that had inputs in the range of 30,000 – 32,000 ppa, 135 – 170 lbs N/acre, and no foliar fungicide applications. The numerical ratings in this category are scored from 0 – 10, where 0 = No response, 10 = A very large response, and UR = Unrated.