Plant Health Agronomic Ratings Legend Numerical ratings (1 – 9): 1 = Very poor; 9 = Excellent; UR = Unrated SCN (Soybean Cyst Nematode) gene: PI88788 & Peking = Genes that provide genetic resistance Phytophthora field tolerance and white mould rating: UR = Unrated; BA = Below average; A = Average; AA = Above average; E = Excellent Iron Deficiency Chlorosis (IDC) rating: ST = Semi-tolerant; T = Tolerant Plant height: S = Short; M = Medium; T = Tall; VT = Very tall Canopy: N = Narrow; SB = Semi-bush; B = Bushy Wide-row adaptability (denotes yield and agronomic factors if planted in wider rows, i.e. 30”): BA = Below average; A = Average; AA = Above average; E = Excellent Pubescence/pod/flower/hilum colours: P = Purple; W = White; BL = Black; B = Brown; LB = Light brown; Y = Yellow; G = Grey; an “i” indicates imperfect hilum colour while a “p” indicates a pale variant of hilum colour SCN Gene Phytophthora Resistance Gene Phytophthora Field Tolerance White Mould IDC Seedling Vigour Standability Plant Height Canopy Wide Row Adaptability Pubescence/ Pod Colour Flower/Hilum Colour Average Seed Size (Beans/Lb of Seed) PI88788 Rps3a AA AA ST 8 8 M-T SB AA G/B P/BLi 2650 - Rps1k A A T 8 7 T B E B/B P/BL 2450