Maizex Seed Guide 2025

Management Agronomic Ratings Characteristics Final Seeding Population Corn on Corn Response to Fungicide Tonnage Seedling Vigour Plant Height Digestibility Kernel Texture Starch Amount Early Starch Availability at Harvest Disease Rating • Excellent stalk strength to maximize grazing days 32-34 8 7 8 M-T 7 M 9 8 7 • Early grain set reduces risk north of zone 28-32 8 7 8 M 7 S 8 8 7 • Industry-leading tonnage for maturity 32-34 7 9 8 M-T 8 M 8 8 8 • Impressive stay-green optimizes feed quality 32-34 8 9 9 T 8 M 8 8 8 • Aggressive seedling vigour 28-30 8 8 9 M-T 8 M 8 8 7 • Increased starch availability 28-30 - 8 8 9 M-T 8 M 8 8 7 Corn on Corn: If “Yes,” denotes that this hybrid contains enhanced insect protection, which protects performance on corn-after-corn fields. Plant height: S = Short; M = Medium; T = Tall; VT = Very tall Kernel texture: VS = Very soft; S = Soft; M = Medium; H = Hard Starch amount: 1 = Low; 9 = High Early starch availability at harvest: 1 = Least readily available; 9 = Most readily available Revisit the fundamentals of grazing corn best management practices.