Maizex Seed Guide 2025

38 SOYBEAN SEED TREATMENT OPTIONS Seed treatments can be a critical tool to ensure emergence and early-season plant health in soybeans. At Maizex, we recognize that your seed treatment needs depend on the presence of insect and disease pests above threshold levels field by field on your farm. To provide the flexibility necessary to meet these needs, the following treatment options are available on all Maizex soybean varieties. SEED TREATMENT OPTIONS Seed Treatment Benefits Insecticide, Fungicide & Pre-inoculant Fungicide & Pre-inoculant Fungicide O nly UNTREATED Option for organic or conventional production. Fosters higher rhizobia survival and nutrient uptake, increases root growth, and boosts nutrient and water uptake, leading to enhanced nodulation and nitrogen fixation. Delivers control of European chafer, June beetle, bean leaf beetle, black cutworm, wireworm, and seed corn maggot. Helps build a strong soybean stand, even under heavy insect pressure. The result is faster more uniform growth. Biological plant activator that stimulates the plant’s natural genetic resistance earlier in plant growth to fight off disease pathogens including white mould, rhizoctonia, and SDS. Provides broad-spectrum protection against key seed- and soil-borne diseases for stronger roots that can take full advantage of soil nutrients, even during unfavourable spring conditions. Additional protection options Trunemco™ is a new soybean cyst nematode seed treatment solution that helps soybean crops thrive. This patented technology primes plant physiology, activating the defense system for superior broad-spectrum protection against nematode invasion. Offers additional protection in late-maturity areas against Phytophthora root rot in high-risk conditions to enhance emergence and vigour in order to improve plant stands and preserve yield potential.