Our Team Our commitment to performance starts with our team. Throughout our organization, from those who are customer-facing to our production, administration, and research teams, our focus is on your success field by field. Maizex Management Territory Managers 4 Blake Ashton General Manager (519) 359-4858 Blake.Ashton@maizex.com Dave Baute President Twitter: beinov8er Stephan Chabbert Manitoba South (204) 693-1034 Stephan.Chabbert@maizex.com Stephen Denys Director of Market & Product Development (519) 358-3370 Stephen.Denys@maizex.com Twitter: @stevedenys Darrel Théroux Manitoba & North Saskatchewan (204) 898-9859 darrel.theroux@maizex.com Shane Jantzi National Sales Manager (519) 778-7715 Shane.Jantzi@maizex.com Twitter: @shanejantzi Agronomy & Product Support Adam Parker Agronomy & Silage Corn (226) 820-6280 Adam.Parker@maizex.com Henry Prinzen Corn & Soybean Crop Agronomy (226) 747-6213 Henry.Prinzen@maizex.com Twitter: @HenryPrinzen Patrick Le Heiget Western Research Technician (204) 870-0798 Patrick.Leheiget@maizex.com Danielle MacCallum Alberta (403) 715-2628 Danielle.MacCallum@maizex.com Twitter: @maccallumfarm Philippe Defoy, Agr. Regional Manager, Eastern Ontario, Quebec & the Maritimes (819) 531-8737 Philippe.Defoy@maizex.com Shawn Winter Product Development Manager – Corn (519) 809-0078 Shawn.Winter@maizex.com Twitter: @SWinter_Maiz Jeremy Visser Product Development Manager – Soybeans (519) 359-8428 Jeremy.Visser@maizex.com Karen Dunlop Marketing Manager (519) 359-3048 Karen.Dunlop@maizex.com